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Map Resources

NYS Child Care, After School, and Home Visiting Programs Locator

Locate child care, after school, and home visiting programs near you.



Kid's Well-being Indicators Clearinghouse (KWIC) Maps

This map tool provides the ability to map the full range of KWIC data, as well as school and demographic data at many geographic levels. Map points of interest for an in-depth view of counties and communities across the state.



Multiple Systems Navigator Maps

Use our mapping tool to find programs, services and family/peer support close to you. Our maps also provide driving directions, contact information and hours of operation.



Moving Home Map

About the people released to community in 2016.

These maps highlight Individuals Released to Communities, Communities with Highest Concentrations of Individuals Released, and Children with Incarcerated Parents.



County Child Well-being Fact Sheets Map

Many programs that support child well-being are linked to the Census.

When children are missed, we miss out on funding for programs that support them!



Resource Map

View all New York State Mental Health Resources.
